Gravação de áudio, com tradução em Inglês, de uma conversa de Hitler durante um almoço com líderes finlandeses. Isto é uma gravação única do líder alemão com voz normal. Hitler visitou a Finlândia a 4 de Junho de 1942, para se encontrar com o comandante militar daquele país, o Marechal Mannerheim e com o presidente Ryti (a Finlândia e a Alemanha eram aliados na Segunda Guerra Mundial contra a União Soviética). Durante o almoço, os três homens discutiram sobre o conflito, inclusivamente o seu assombro sobre a magnitude do poder militar Soviético. Um técnico finlandês de rádio registou em segredo esta conversa, mas ela só foi divulgada anos mais tarde.
terça-feira, 27 de setembro de 2011
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“because the demands that man brought up were clearly aimed to rule, Europe in the end”
Depois de ver esta gravação aconselho a lerem o livro Icebreaker - Who started the WWII -
“the Treaty of Versailles deprived Germany of the right to a strong army and offensive weapons, including tanks, military aircraft, heavy artillery and submarines. German commanders were unable to use German territory to train for the waging of offensive wars. So they began to make their preparations in the Soviet Union.”
“War was mother to the revolution. The result of a world war, in Engels' words, would be 'general exhaustion and the creation of conditions for the final victory of the working class'. (Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Works, Ch. 21, p. 351)”
“If there is one place where a start can be made to arouse Europe to revolution, that place is Germany . . .”
“As Leon Trotsky said in 1936: 'Without Stalin there would have been no Hitler, there would have been no Gestapo!' (Bulletin of the Opposition (BO), Nos. 52-53, October 1936) Another statement he made in November 1938 reveals Trotsky's shrewdness and his knowledge of the point at issue. 'Stalin finally untied Hitler's hands, as well as those of his enemies, and thereby pushed Europe towards war.' “
“In 1933, the German colonel (later general) Heinz Guderian visited a Soviet locomotive engineering works at Kharkov (construído pelos americanos). Guderian saw that, in addition to locomotives, the yard was producing tanks as a side product. The tanks were being produced at the rate of 22 a day.
When assessing the output of side products at one Soviet plant in peacetime, it must be remembered that in 1933 Germany was producing no tanks at all. In 1939, Hitler came into the Second World War with 3,195 tanks, that is, less than the Kharkov locomotive engineering works, working on a peacetime footing, produced in six months. When assessing the significance of an output of 22 tanks a day, it must also be borne in mind that in 1940, even after the Second World War had begun, the United States had in all only about 400 tanks.
What of the quality of the tanks which Guderian saw at the Kharkov engineering works? They were tanks which had been created by that American tank genius, J. W. Christie. Nobody, apart from the Soviet tank makers, appreciated Christie's achievements. One of Christie's American tanks was bought in the United States and sent to the Soviet Union under false documentation; the tank was described as an agricultural tractor. The 'tractor' was then produced in large numbers in the Soviet Union as a Mark BT - initials for the Russian words 'high-speed tank'. The first Mark BTs had a speed of 100 kilometres per hour. In the present day, there is not a tank crew anywhere which would not envy such a speed.”
“The only territories where tanks could be used, after their caterpillar tracks were removed, were Germany, France and Belgium.”
“In the event of a general conflict, only one country can win. That country is the Soviet Union.
HITLER, 1937 (In conversation with Lord Halifax, Obersalzburg, 19 November 1937)
É surpreendente.
“In the event of a general conflict, only one country can win. That country is the Soviet Union.
HITLER, 1937 (In conversation with Lord Halifax, Obersalzburg, 19 November 1937)
Então porque foi ele para a guerra?
Há quem diga que foi o melhor general de Estaline.
Who Started World War II? by V. Suvorov 1/4
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