domingo, 14 de fevereiro de 2010

Recordando Apenas Algumas Ideias, Acções e Crimes "Dos Bons" (II)

Crimes de Guerra do Exército Vermelho

[Infelizmente, apenas está disponível no Youtube parte do documentário e nem posso dar a garantia de que a ordem dos vídeos seja esta]

3 comentários:

Carlos disse...

Não foi só o exercito do tio joe a violar as mulheres alemãs, embora este tenha encorajado abertamente. Os outros não foram tão audazes.

“One of the consequences of the immoralities of howling G.I. wolf packs is an upsurge in venereal diseases which has reached epidemic proportions. Before we arrived, although the rate had increased with the return of German soldiers from France and North Africa, it was still moderate and well under control. After our arrival, contamination soared. In December, 1945, only 7 per cent of German civilians receiving venereal disease treatment were men; by August, 1946, however, men constituted 41 per cent of the patients. In other words, contamination had spread from our troops to the German women and finally to German men.”

Para salvação as donzelas aliadas:
“When wives of men in our occupation forces arrived in Germany it became necessary, for their protection against indecent advances by American men, to wear special badges on their arms to distinguish them from German women.”

“William L. Shirer, in his Berlin Diary (p. 412), on June 17, 1940, in the first flush of German occupation, described how many French women had fled Paris for fear of what the German armies might do to them.
"It seems," he wrote, "the Parisians actually believe the Germans would rape the women and do worse to the men . . . The ones who stayed are all the more amazed at the very correct behavior of the troops - so far."
And their behavior never changed.
Frederick C. Crawford, President of Thompson Products, after a tour of inspection in which he, with others of the War Department, visited areas where the Germans had been in occupation for four years, in his "REPORT FROM THE WAR FRONT", said:
"The Germans tried to be careful in their dealings with the people . . . We were told that if a citizen attended strictly to business and took no political or underground action against the occupying army, he was treated with correctness."”

O heroísmo e nobreza vai-se desvanecendo...
Tirado do livro; GRUESOME HARVEST

Carlos disse...

Os franceses
Os franceses também não escapam.
"We passed some of the French Senegalese (West African) troops on the way into Stuttgart. They were paid little or nothing by the French, but they were permitted to loot and rape at will; that is part of the agreement.
"The days before, I had been told that in French-occupied territory it was required that a list of the occupants of every building, together with their ages, be posted outside, on the door, and that both the Senegalese and the French soldiers, drunk at night, would go from door to door until they found girls' names listed of any age they wished to rape.
"As we drove through Stuttgart we saw that each main door of the habitable buildings contained such a list - white sheets of paper tacked onto the panel - a column of names, a column of birth dates. And most of the women of Stuttgart show in their faces that they have gone through hell." - The Diaries of Charles A. Lindbergh, p.p.967. Harcourt Brace Javanovich, N.Y. 1970
"But the French with the Senegalese: There were over 3,000 cases of rape in the hospital. Not in the hospital for abortion, but because of injury. And minor injuries aren't accepted in hospitals in Germany these days." - The Diaries of Charles A. Lindbergh, p.960.

Carlos disse...
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